Hotel at the foothills of Himalays lined with some Basmati rice fields and a village in the distance makes a pleasant view.. A great place for vacation too.

Title - Foothills hotel
Size - 14 x 19.5 (inch)
Medium - Watercolor on paper
Exhibition dates are coming closer. Still a lot to do. Invitations to be sent, posters to be put up, gallery plan to be made, painting to be chosen and framed etc etc and etc..
You have managed to capture the morning light beautifully.
Very nice! Our main concern is selecting the number of paintings and framing!
It's so beautiful Prabal. I think this is one of my favorites of yours. The thing I like the most about your work is that you make each painting look effortless, your washes are clean and glowing, and your composition is always engaging. Very nice work. Good luck getting ready for all your exhibits! You must post pictures of that okay? :)
AK sir,
Thanks a lot. I always try to capture light in my paintings in some way.
You are correct.. Now I am really confused about which paintings should I be taking for the exhibition. :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you.. I am just learning to paint everyday.. And when I get such wonderful comments from friends like you, its like a confirmation that I am learning.. Exhibition is from 30th June to 4th July.. I'll keep updating about it here and I'll surely post the pictures.. :)
This is wonderful. Done with such skill. I especially like the distant roofs, actually parallelograms! Isnt it amazing, just how little has to be indicated in a painting to creat the required impression. Man you are surely getting there.
Best wishes.
Over all composition is nice Prabal, all the best for your exhibition!
ye too much hai . too too much. this one should definitely be part of the exhibition, no difficulty on this one ! Ekdum woh effortless defining of shapes without drawing the outline of the shapes wala cali aa gayaa hai .
how'd you know that the fields of rice were basmati rice ? :-s
Thanks man.. Everyday I am learning and having fun... The journey is great and I am sure you also would be enjoying and learning everyday..
Thanks. If you are in Bangalore, drop by..
Thanks thanks a lot. For some reason I find it difficult to part with paintings which are new. So this is going to have to wait till the next exhibition. :)
And the rice is basmati for sure.. I can smell it here. :)
wonderfully constructed Prabal. I love the freshness of the paint and the simplicity that isn't simple.
Great job.
It will be a pleasure to have you visit the exhibition. I'll keep you posted.
Many thanks. To keep things simple and minimal and yet say a lot is what I strive for.
A good rendering and explicit details. Congrats !!
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Looks very real and you can actually "feel" the morning light...Kasturi
Sunderarajan and Kasturi,
It makes me very happy that you liked the painting.
This one is one of your best I have seen so far.Excellent work dude..spread happiness..
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