These are the preparatory sketches for one of the most difficult paintings I am planning to do next.
Prabal Mallick's painting blog.
I actually completely forgot that I have been given 'Vearsatile blogger award' by Resham. Thanks Resham. There were lot of rules involved. I am only going to follow one rule. That is to pass it on to a new found blogger. The last inspiring blog that I had found was that of Anuradha's. So I pass it on to her.
Title - Under Repair.... Size - 14 x 21 inch.... Medium - Watercolor on paper
First of all congratulations to all Indian cricket fans on the Cricket World cup win affter 28 long years. The world cup has been keeping me busy for all these days and hence delayed posts, replies etc.
Coming back to art now.... I had been to Alleppy in Kerela a few days back and had taken a lot of pictures out there. Almost all of them had water as an element as the pictures were taken in the backwaters of Alleppy. Now I am trying to paint some of them. And I am experimenting with the water part of it. These two are the first two of those experiments. Please leave your feedback on what you feel and what could have been done better etc etc.