Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Chilika Explorations

About four months back I had made a trip to Chilika lake (again) with my family. We traveled on an open boat for about 3 hrs to reach a small island. The island had a small temple where people from the land came to offer prayers sometimes. We managed to cook our lunch on the boat which we devoured sitting under a tree in front of the temple. It was the migration season so birds from far away countries gave us company all the time. 

Among all this I was struck by the serenity of the majestic lake once again. After I returned for the last four months I have been trying to replicate the 'feel' on paper since then. I wont say I have been successful, but the journey has been good. Here are some of the works that came out of this journey.

Chilika Explorations - XI
20 x 28 inch

Chilika Explorations - VII
21 x 14 inch

Chilika Explorations - X
10 x 14 inch

Chilika Explorations - II
21 x 14 inch

Few WC sketches

1 comment:

hmuxo said...

Beautiful paintings!!! It sounds like a wonderful place to visit .....I still have to wonder how you managed to cook on the