Sometimes paintings just happen and the first one just happened. I just took it forward and painted the second one. But I find when things happen by themselves its always better. I have not found names for these two. Need some suggestions.

Title - Untitled: Please suggest
Size - 14 x 17.5 inch
Medium - Watercolor on paper

Title - Untitled: Please suggest
Size - 14 x 18 inch
Medium - Watercolor on paper
good paintings
nice one. the graffiti on the walls adds more interest :)
Thanks Ajay..
I just took forward the graffiti that happened to happen on the first one to the second one.. :)
But none of you have suggested any names..:(
Prabal - Your use of color is very nice on these paintings. They look good.
Hello Prabal. Great works, I really like them both as for a name. "Entrance to the secret garden" or 'Closed back soon". Keep up the good work.
Name suggestions:
"Gates of heaven" for the blue door.
"The sedate gate" for the brown one.
or "Door to more'...Kasturi
Or gates of heaven for both of them
Very nice, both of them are good.
Prabal, I love your used such great colors. I like the "writings on the wall" (possible title for you). or "Behind these doors...." and leave it at that. lol. reat job!!
Prabal, I agree with you,a spontaneous effort always gives an excellent result because you are not attached to the result! I like both the doors..I mean the window to the world!
Thanks everyone. I think I have got some very good suggestions. Now the difficult part is I'll have to pick up just 2 of them. :)
Gosh those are pretty Prabal. I am in love with the bottom one. Those colors are BEA-U-TI-FUL!! Cool concept too :)
Thanks for liking the concept..Even I enjoyed stumbling upon it. :)
Prabal, I like very much this two doors, the colours, the drawing, the shadows and light....all is right.¡Congratulations!
Big hug.
Thank you so much for liking these two paintings..
Son magnificas esas puertas. Que misterio se encuentra ahí dentro ...
Muy lindo trabajo.
Que tengas un lindo día
Nice painting. Keep it up.
Work From Home
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